Friday, 20 December 2013


Fade in with pan across the screen

Beginning of trailer

Short clip of the Maghull landscape is shown. A pan is used to move across the screen.

There have been a number of burglaries reported in the local area of Maghull. A masked man has been seen acting suspiciously around local neighbourhoods. If you have any information relating to this case, please contact Merseyside police IMMEDIATELY. 

Fade out with sound effect and new audio/clips start

Film Title

After mind-mapping several different ideas for our film title with my group, we have come to the conclusion that 'The Intruder' would fit great as it links in to the story of our film - an intruder. The word intruder connotes someone unwelcome - a person who shouldn't be present, and so gives off a sense of fear and fright. Another reason as to why we thought this title was the the best choice was because there are no other films with this title which means that our film can be easily recognised and remembered. This links in to the marketing and promotion of the film making it very effective. I believe that the ideas that we came up with, as you can see above, would have all been good titles for our film, however 'The Intruder' sounded the best.

In order to make the decision fair, we each chose a title that we liked the best without telling each other and wrote it down. When we came together to see what we had each chosen, 'The Intruder' had been voted by three out of our group including myself whilst the other group member voted for 'Trespass'. Although 'Trespass' would have been an effective title for our film, there is already a recent film with this title which was released in 2011 starring Nicholas Cage and Nicole Kidman. This means that whenever the title was mentioned, a person would automatically think about the 2011 hit film, rather than ours.

To go with the film title, we needed an effective motto/slogan to sell it. I came up with the idea of "Home sweet home" as this has the connotation of a nice and calm atmosphere which makes it even more eerie and effective when used in a horror film. It links also links into the idea of a trespasser at a home, which is exactly what out film is making it even more effective.

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Editing Practice

Below is a video that I have uploaded to YouTube that shows a mini edit that I have completed. It was a short task in which we were asked to sort out a video where the clips did not flow properly. It originally showed the clips from one angle, however as you can see, I have used Windows Movie Maker to show it from different angles with the use of a shot reverse shot. It looks much more professional now and we can see the conversation from two different angles, rather than just one, therefore making it flow efficiently. I done this task in order to familiarise myself with the process of editing so that I can pick up techniques and have a little knowledge when it comes to putting our trailer together. Although I have used Windows Movie Maker to edit this, we will use iMovie on the Apple Macs to edit the trailer as this software is much better allowing us more options when editing. Overall, I am pleased with the outcome of my mini edit as I believe it has been done effectively.

The actual link to the video to view it on YouTube is

The actual un-edited footage can be found at:

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Todorov's Narrative

In 1969, Tzvetan Todorov produced a theory which he believed can be applied to any film. The theory states that all films follow the same narrative pattern making the features of the theory typical codes and conventions of a film. If each stage has been thoroughly thought out and planned well, the film will most likely become a success. The stages are:

1. Equilibrium
All films start off with a state of equilibrium. This is when everything is as it should be. Not necessarily calm, but stability is ensured in the environment.

2. Disruption
The next stage to the theory is known as the disruption. A disruption of the equilibrium occurs by some action which is typically drastic.

3. Recognition of disruption
The recognition that the disorder has occurred then takes place and ideas are thought of to overcome the disruption.

4. Attempt to repair
Once the disruption has been identified, there is an attempt to repair it. In most films, this is where the majority of action scenes will take place and is the most likely aspect to either make or break the film.

5. Reinstatement of equilibrium
The final stage of Todorov's Narrative is the reinstatement of the equilibrium. There is a return or restoration of a new equilibrium. Whether or not the disruption has been completely repaired, everyone moves on with their lives and a new equilibrium is created.

An example of Todorov's Narrative being applied in a film of the same genre to mine - horror, is in the 2012 hit Sinister which is said to be one of the most sickening films of all time. The film tells the story a typical horror film which would be classed as a 'Monster in the house' in Blake Snyder's film categories.

- Equilibrium:
The film starts off with a family moving into their new house in an attempt to gain a fresh start at life.
- Disruption:
The disruption in the film is when the lead protagonist and man of the house Ellison finds a box of old video tapes in the loft. They each have their own titles attached which makes it even stranger and more eerie.
- Recognition of disruption:
The recognition of disruption occurs when Ellison starts watching each of the tapes and finds out that they are live killings that have been recorded. The killings are very sick and twisted as they have been conducted by children taken over by a demon.
- Attempt to repair:
Ellison attempts to repair the disruption by getting his family together and moving back to their old house - As far away from the current one as possible.
- Reinstatement of equilibrium:
The original equilibrium is not restored, however a new one is reinstated after Ellison, his wife and son are murdered by his youngest child who is then taken away by the demon Bagul.

Another example of Todorov's Narrative being used effectively is in Holes, a comedy-drama based film on the award winning Louis Sachar novel.

- Equilibrium:
The equilibrium in the film is when Stanley and his family are living their normal every day lives, with the men said to be cursed by Stanleys' "No good dirty rotten pig stealin' great great grandfather".
- Disruption:
The narrative in the film sees its disruption when a pair of charity-donated sneakers fall on Stanleys head and he is falsely arrested and sent to Camp Green Lake.
- Recognition of disruption:
The disruption is recognised when Stanley arrives at Camp Green Lake and is forced to dig holes along with the other lads everyday as punishment. Everything the boys find must be handed in, in the hope that it is a clue that leads to buried treasure. Later on in the story, Stanley follows his friend Zero who runs away from the camp.
- Attempt to repair:
Because the boys had run away in the desert, they had no food or water and were at risk of dying to starvation or dehydration. In an attempt to repair this, the boys start to climb a mountain known as 'Gods thumb' in search of food and water which has a relation to the curse on Stanleys family.
- Reinstatement of equilibrium:
The reinstatement of equilibrium occurs once the boys have climbed the mountain and found refuge with food and water. They return to camp and find the buried treasure which leads to the closure of Camp Green Lake and the arrests of the workers there. The boys get to keep the treasure and live happily ever after.

When producing our film, I will need to ensure that I am keeping Todorov's Narrative theory in mind in order to make the best possible product. By using the theory, it will help me to develop a detailed story for our film and make it look professional and realistic.

Sunday, 1 December 2013

Call Sheet

Above is the call sheet that we have created for the first few scenes of our trailer. It shows what exterior and interior shots we will be shooting as well as locations, weather and the people involved. It makes our production schedule more efficient as we will know exactly what to shoot and what to expect when doing so.