Wednesday 5 March 2014

Intrepid Pictures

Along with our own production company ident, we also wanted to include a well known companies in order to show that our film has the potential to be a success. We took time to research other production companies and look at their idents in order to find a suitable choice. When we came across the Intrepid Pictures ident, we thought this was really effective and would look great at the start of our trailer. After researching the company, we found that they specialise in producing and co-financing a number of genres of film - most importantly horror. They are responsible for producing films such as The Strangers and The Hitcher which can both relate to our film in the way that they involve a crazed killer. The word intrepid generally means fearless and this relates to the company's name effectively as it suggests they are not scared of anything - not even a horror film.

When people see this ident at the start of the trailer, they will assume our film we be of a similar quality to their previous works, and if they enjoyed this, then they will most likely enjoy our film too. The ident features a fade into a dark red background where we can see a stormy sky with lightning strikes taking place. There is a black silhouette of a man slowly raising his arms as if he is embracing the stormy weather. Gradually, the storm gets more and more violent with lightning strikes happening close to the man and the words 'Intrepid Pictures' appear. Loud sound effects of the lightning are used in order to make the ident more dramatic and threatening and it has an overall ominous feel to it. I believe it is one of the best and most creative idents I have seen and believe we have used it appropriately as the use of the colour red connotes danger and blood suggesting that they have produced a horror film.

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