Below are screenshots to show the progression of my movie poster. As you can see, it gradually improves as I add more conventions to it such as the billing block and release date.
This is one of the early stages of my movie poster. As you can see I had already inserted and edited my main image by using the fade shape on the eraser tool to blur out and blend the edges of the eye with the black background. I had also added some typography and could see that it was coming along nicely.
At this stage, after receiving some feedback, I decided to change the colour of the eye into black and white as their was too much red that it flooded the poster. The black and white eye looked more effective and allowed it to stand out more against the red text and black background. I had also moved the social networking logos to the bottom as this was more of a suitable position for them and where they tend to be found on real posters.
After creating my billing block, I inserted this to the poster and located it just underneath the title at the bottom as this is the typical position for it. By now the poster was looking very effective and I was happy with what I had produced.
Here is the final screenshot that shows my finished movie poster. I added a website for the film where viewers can go to find out more about it as well as 'Coming this Halloween' to further support it as being in the horror genre. Halloween is the most common time for horror movies to be released and so I thought it was appropriate to have mine released around this time. Overall, I am pleased with the final outcome and believe the progression was effective in making it look more professional.
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