Monday, 24 February 2014

Inspiration for my movie poster

When researching movie posters, I found a trend that appeared predominantly in the horror genre. This was the use of a large eye as the main image that takes up the majority of the poster. The use of an eye can have many reasons behind it and carries the connotations of power, good or evil. Historically, an eye can be a symbol of God, protection or even wisdom. From using it in my movie poster, I wanted to get across the fact that 'The Intruder' is watching and that he sees everything. It is said that you can see into the soul of someone by looking into their eye and by having this on my poster, it looks very effective. With an eye carrying the connotations of power and evil, this suggests that The Intruder is not just an ordinary person and that he is some sort of super human who can not be stopped or killed.

Another inspiration for my movie poster was the typography used on The Last House on the Left poster. I believe this looked really effective and captured the horror genre perfectly which made me want to produce something of a similar style and quality. I have used a very similar font to it as well as a blood splatter in the background as this tells viewers that the film is in the horror genre. I have also developed their convention of using different colours when presenting the typography as this gives it a very effective look. If it was all the same colour, it would not look as good and appealing to look at. 

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