Tuesday 25 February 2014

Inspiration for my movie magazine front cover

From carrying out research on film posters and magazine front covers for my ancillary products, I came across a very effective looking poster for The Conjuring that included a woman holding up a match in the dark which gives off a very eerie and mysterious feel. I thought this was very original as it is the only poster I have seen with an image like this. The close up shot which is common in horror film products is used to show the womans facial expression of being nervous, as if she is going into the unknown. This further adds to the mystery and supports viewers in being able to identify the film as being in the horror genre. Because I had already decided on the image to use for my movie poster which was an eye, I had chose to incorporate this idea on my magazine front cover as it would look just as effective. By using the image, we have also made it into a clip from the film to use in the trailer which shows continuity between our products. 

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